Maneuver between aid for low incomes, petrol bonuses and support against high bills


By John

New supports to stem the high bills. A petrol bonus to protect motorists from the fuel price race. A further squeeze on the superbonus, with corrections to save condominiums with work already underway. The government’s autumn challenge starts from these measures, and from the priority objective of helping low incomes. Roads that run parallel to the difficult work of preparing the maneuver, which is now coming to life with a series of crucial appointments culminating at the end of the month with the definition of the resources truly available.

Crucial meeting at Palazzo Chigi

The first moment of discussion took place yesterday, when the majority group leaders gathered around the same table to talk about the maneuver at Palazzo Chigi. A check to focus on the requests that each party would like to see included in the budget law. But also to reiterate the line of prudence that Prime Minister Chigi and Mef have been repeating for weeks: resources are few, everything will be diverted to priorities; therefore no pinning on unfeasible flags, the program is confirmed, but within the horizon of the legislature.

For Salvini “The common goal is the increase in salaries and pensions”

On the maneuver and relations within the government “I have read imaginative reconstructions. We will be unanimous, in agreement, serious and concrete. We have a good 4 years ahead of us and we will carry forward the commitments made. The common objective is to put in the money that is there, little or we will see many, due to the increase in salaries and pensions”. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini, said this on Rtl 102.5, underlining “the confirmation of the cut in the tax wedge in total agreement with Giorgia and the entire majority: there will be no glitches”.

The prime minister calls for a rally

Precisely to find a common moment before the next appointments, the prime minister has called together the entire party – parliamentarians and ministers – for a dinner which should serve to take stock also in view of the Fratelli d’Italia event scheduled for 24 September on the anniversary of the victory of the elections.

The government is studying its next moves

But on the executive table there is not only the topic of the maneuver, with the many issues that it brings with it, from the burden of the super bonus to the sword of Damocles of the negotiation on the new Stability Pact. In fact, support for expensive bills expires at the end of the month, including the extension of the social bonus. And the government is already working to study the next steps.

Focus on the superbonus

Finally, the spotlight is always on the superbonus, a burden that weighs on public finances and which continues to create difficult situations for families and businesses. The idea is that this “inherited” benefit which is anything but appreciated by the executive becomes a tool to “protect those who cannot afford the work, not those who can afford it and perhaps thus do not pay for it”, he puts it Undersecretary for the Economy Federico Freni is clear.

Hunt for resources and discontent among ministers

In the meantime, work on the budget starts from the certainty of the cornerstones: cutting the wedge, support for the lowest incomes, maximum attention to families and the birth rate. The problem remains the difficult hunt for resources – the verification will be done with the Nadef by 27 September – while the first discontent is being registered among the ministers over the cuts requested by the Mef, which in a few days, by 10 September, expects to receive savings proposals from everyone. Particular attention is paid to the issue of healthcare, with the opposition pressing to avoid the risk of new cuts. There are also concerns about the pension dossier.

Union concerns

A picture that does not convince the unions. “Looking at what has been done to date, the issues are not resolved”, warns the leader of the CGIL Maurizio Landini, announcing that the workers have been asked for the mandate “to go as far as the general strike if necessary”.