Waiting for the three “big” players from the waist up, Messina places an over reinforcement in defense. The operation had already been set up in recent days, also filtered externally with the retreat of Federico Pacciardi. The ex Recanatese, central midfielder born in 1987, arrives on a free agent basis. Foggia and Lucchese had also obtained information about the footballer, but in the end he preferred to sign for the Giallorossi club, already finding himself in Sila. For him annual contract and ratified membership. Central department practically covered, with Ferrara, Manetta and Polito. The last piece could be under (Darini?).
Always behind, with the Brogni slope which seems to have run aground, an alternative is being sought because something is still needed on the left in a band that at the moment only counts on the youngster from the Empoli school, Lorenzo Tropea. Who among other things yesterday spoke through the club’s official channels: «I settled in well, in a dressing room made up of important and experienced people but also of young guys like me, who are eager to learn – said the 2004 class -. We’re trying to achieve the ideal team balance, coach Modica asks us to run on the wing, one of the principles we’re learning. If he asks us it is because he knows we can do it and we must to achieve our goal ». On this new experience: «I’m Sicilian and I know the square of Messina. We know we have huge responsibilities.”
Back to the market the management with the ds Domenico Roma at the top, is busy looking for the missing pieces: in addition to what has already been said, an under right full-back, a quality midfielder, a point guard and the “famous” striker. The names are always the same, the doors are open but the final acceleration has not yet been reached, even if time passes.
In the meantime, yesterday coach Giacomo Modica gave the group in Villaggio Palumbo a morning of rest, while in the afternoon they went back to work. Even the coach is waiting to have available those elements that will have to be crucial in the game structure and personality of the starting eleven.
Stadium chapter. After the question and answer on Tuesday, as always, the alignments have fueled, even if in theory there would be little to discuss in front of public documents accessible to all. The Municipality’s request is a formal document, initiated ex officio as for any other citizen considered to be in default: if then the debt is effective or does not consider other factors, it is a matter that must be addressed between the parties (when they will see each other…), but it certainly cannot be attributed to third parties, presumed “speculators”. But by now, every dynamic is good to see a conspiracy in it, which doesn’t exist! Having said that, the start of the works (already foreseen for some time and which will start with an avoidable delay) for the arrangement of the drainage system and the pitch is awaited. The operator would have been identified, also for this reason the inspection by the Sport Commission which was scheduled for today was postponed.