Narrow Bridge; Musumeci at the Ecr Party: it will be a great European infrastructure. In Gioia Tauro, transshipment alone is not enough


By John

«The Bridge is first and foremost a major European infrastructure to give life to the Berlin-Palermo corridor. The infrastructure that will serve to move goods and men more quickly will be a great opportunity for Sicily and Calabria.” This was stated by the Minister of Maritime Policies and Civil Protection, Nello Musumecispeaking in the debate, underway at Villa San Giovanni, organized by the European parliamentary group of the Ecr.

«However, – he continued – we need a network of maritime connections on the short and medium routes. And to do this we need the public and private sectors to sit at a table, so that new tourist ports and berths are included in the program and built.” This is because, according to the minister, “there was a lack of strategy to put together a group of ministries to make the sea an engine of growth for the South”.

The Minister of Maritime Policies, Nello Musumeci then said: «Gioia Tauro is a small miracle, but the time has come to adopt measures to start processing cargo quotas to overcome the specialization of transshipment alone. It’s called the Sea Plan, the Meloni government – he added – launched it in recent days, it’s an innovative planning tool that will be presented very soon”.

Migrants: Musumeci, “They can be opportunities if they are regular”

«The great challenge of the Mediterranean is to turn this problem into a great opportunity». This was said by the Minister of Maritime Policies and Civil Protection, Nello Musumeci, speaking in the debate, underway in Villa San Giovanni (RC), organized by the European parliamentary group of the Ecr, regarding the problem of migrants. «To do this – he continued – it is necessary to subtract these people from the smugglers’ mafia. We need a workforce, regular migrants, a serious and determined intervention by the European Union. Italy counts in the world if it counts in the Mediterranean – continued Musumeci – it is not a question of chauvinism or arrogance, but it is a matter of awareness, which imposes a new policy for the sea that is not just an economic approach. We – he concluded – have an interest more than any other nation in a maritime policy that looks to the future and to the other Mediterranean countries”.

Buxadè (Vox), “Defending European identity”

The vice president of the ECR and head of the Vox delegation to the European Parliament, Jorge Buxadè Villalba, speaking in the debate at the conference underway in Villa San Giovanni, said that «the problem of immigration is very particular and very serious. Italy and Spain, in recent years – he added – have suffered from the phenomenon of irregular immigration. This is why we need to create a different approach, activating legal immigration processes that are a defense of the borders of Italy, Spain and all European borders. There have been many cases of violence against women, including by immigrants. For this we need greater control by national governments. We must have – he said – cooperation at a European level to defend the borders, to defend Italian quality, Italian, Spanish and European food and wine. In short, to defend the culture and identity of our countries. And this can only be done by working at the level of European cooperation and above all by defending its borders”.

Buxadè (Vox), Reformists and Conservatives will be the first EU party

«We aim to make the European Reformists and Conservatives party the first party in Europe in order to bring more pragmatism and realism within the Continent and the ECR Party within European national governments». Thus the vice-president of the Conservative and Reformist Party, Jorge Buxadé, head of the VOX delegation to the European Parliament, speaking to journalists on the sidelines of the conference organized at Villa San Giovanni. “The Mediterranean – he added – is the gateway to Europe and the regions of Southern Italy, such as Calabria and Sicily, despite being the outpost of Europe, have been forgotten by the European Union. We must reverse this trend and invest in research, work and development. It is also necessary to focus on the future of young people so that they can remain within their territory. To break with that vision of Europe which has always looked to the North and the East, often forgetting the Southern Europe”.