'Ndrangheta in Vibo, defeat of the Piscopisani clan: light shed on four murders


By John

Anti-Ndrangheta operation this morning in Vibo Valentia. Since the first light of dawn, the Carabinieri and the police, under the coordination of the Catanzaro DDA, have been following up on the precautionary custody order in prison against various subjects belonging primarily to the 'ndrina of Piscopisani. Among those arrested Rosario Fiorillo, known as “Pulcino” and Rosario Battaglia, both involved in various past operations, including “Replacement”

Light would have been shed on four murders that occurred between 2010 and 2012: These are the crimes of Mario Longokilled on 1 April 2012 on the road to Triparni, belonging to the insurer Michele Palumbokilled on 11 March 2010 in his house in Longobardi, di Davide Fortunakilled in the summer of 2012 on the beach in Vibo Marina e Massimo Stanganello of Vibo Marina whose body was never found. The testimonies of justice collaborator Raffaele Moscato are fundamental for the investigations