Around 15 buses and dozens of cars from all over Calabria are expected in front of the Prefecture of Catanzaro on May 7th, for the demonstration of the Calabrian interns. For days, in fact, the organizational machine activated by NIdiL CGIL, FeLSA CISL, UIL Temp and USB FdS, has been involving the precarious workers scattered throughout the user public administrations, with assemblies and notes circulating in the Whatsapp groups, to give a strong signal that the dispute involving approximately 4,200 workers is placed at the center of the attention of politics, institutions and public opinion.
The synergistic action of NIdiL CGIL, FeLSA CISL, UIL Temp and USB FdS in recent months had resulted in the approval of an amendment to the Milleproroghe which provides for the possibility of a contract for 18 months at 18 hours. Furthermore, a partial technical definition excluded approximately 500 workers from the procedures. The same rule, however, refers to a financial allocation of only 5,000,000 euros which is completely insufficient to meet a requirement of approximately 70,000,000 euros per year. Contractualization, therefore, is currently only a theoretical possibility, given the situation of chronic financial deficit in which Calabrian local authorities find themselves, and the real risk is that what was achieved through trade union struggles will remain a dead letter. The funds necessary for the contractualization of this large slice of Calabrian precarious employment, however, could be found in the months of May and June when the discussion of the budget adjustment will be started in Parliament, in addition to amending the technical definition of the bodies that can contract and thus recover the excluded workers.
For this reason, NIdiL CGIL, FeLSA CISL, UIL Temp and USB FdS intend to promote strong trade union action for the definitive resolution of the dispute which, given the high number of working families involved, has undeniable social consequences but also for maintaining public order. . On Tuesday 7 May, therefore, the trade unions asked to meet His Excellency the Prefect of Catanzaro to fully represent the concerns and propose the actions to be implemented for the positive resolution of the matter.