The municipal council, chaired by the mayor Giuseppe Falcomatàgave the green light to the presentation of the expression of interest for the assignment of permanent staff for the implementation of cohesion policies.
Taking note of the notice prepared by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the administration of the Città dello Strait, in reference to its staffing, has identified the profiles that will be directly involved in the management, implementation, monitoring and reporting activities of the projects financed by European cohesion policy resources. In particular, these are the following figures: 1 geologist, 2 ecological transition specialists, 4 architects, 14 specialists in administrative and accounting activities. The staff will be selected by the Department of Cohesion and Civil Service and the Institution will undertake to use such staff, until the end of 2029, exclusively for carrying out activities relating to the implementation of European cohesion funds.
“These are, therefore, professional figures of high technical specialisation, currently vacant in the workforce, which the Administration intends to equip itself with by presenting its candidacy to the national notice which also concerns Calabrian local authorities”, comments Mayor Falcomatà. “Twenty-one highly qualified officials who, if our request is accepted in full, will be able to be assigned to the City of Reggio Calabria in a stable manner, and without weighing on the municipal coffers, with the commitment to respond in a concrete way to the objective of accelerating the investments financed through European funds and giving support to the bureaucratic machine”.