Santa Claus returns home and here comes the Befana. After the success of recent days inside the Villa Comunale of Reggio Calabria, Santa Claus’ Village is transformed into the House of the Befana. The sweetest witch there is is ready to welcome Reggio families eager to spend a couple of hours of fun.
Thursday 4th and Friday 5th (afternoon) and Saturday 6th January (morning) the Casa della Befana awaits you to spend the last days of celebration together with many activities including games, workshops, music, entertainment, animated readings, shows and cinema.
Thursday 4 January at 5.00 pm the film ‘Charlotte’s Web’ will be on the programme, followed by, at 6.30 pm the characters and mascots from Frozen will liven up the village dedicated to the Befana.
Friday 5 January at 5.00 pm on the ‘big screen’ of the Villa Comunale there will be a screening of ‘Home Alone’ and at 6.30 pm the Ball Man show by the ‘Magic Circle’.
The Casa della Befana program will close Saturday 6 with a great magic show, created by the ‘GiocoleReggio’ association (11.30 am).
Furthermore, a heavy snowfall with special effects is forecast for today which will amaze audiences of all ages.
With a touch of the broom, the Villa Comunale Umberto I will come back to life and the streets of the central green area will be colored again with dozens and dozens of socks and games for everyone, young and old.