School sizing in Catanzaro, the mega school of 2 thousand students “disappears”.


By John

There will not be the feared “monster” grouping of over two thousand students in the capital. In the resolution of the Regional Council which implements the sizing plan approved by the Province last 16 October, after an exchange of findings and counter-arguments on the Citadel-Palazzo di Vetro axis, some provisions are modified, including, in fact, the one relating to the mega merger which would have originally affected the “Galluppi” national boarding school (in the capacity of a merging institution), the “Galluppi” classical high school and the “De Nobles”. The modification decided by the Occhiuto executive leaves the merger of the two “Galluppi” intact, while at the same time proceeding with the merger of the “De Nobili” with the “Siciliani” scientific high school: in the first case, from the two “Galluppi”, it will emerge an educational institution of 1,392 students, therefore in line with the forecasts of the Region itself for institutions in the most populous urban centers and capitals; in the second, an autonomy of 1,631 students will be created, which is already of significant size.

This was probably the main issue for the capital, raised in the days preceding the council meeting of the intermediate body led by president Amedeo Mormile also by the same schools involved. During the Council, then, the mayor Nicola Fiorita – during the proceedings harsh criticism also from the councilor Sergio Costanzo – had expressed his opposition, also leveraging the mandate of the municipal assembly; Palazzo De Nobili itself would then decide to challenge the resolution of the provincial assembly at the TAR. A step that could now change in light of the changes made to the plan by the Region.
But the mega merger is not the only changed element. The Catanzaro Nord Est “Manzoni” comprehensive institute is merged with the “Mater Domini” IC which becomes the headquarters of the management. Changes also in the Lamezia area, with the maintenance of the Pes (school service delivery point) State Professional Institute – Lamezia (122 students) in the “Costanzo” school in Decollatura, since, it is highlighted, that the separation operation reduces the number of students enrolled further (from 388 to 266 students).
As regards the planning of the training offer, the activation at the Iis “Montalcini” of Sersale of the sustainable tourism and valorisation of the territory direction «as it is not consistent» with the guidelines and also the activation by the ‘Is “Costanzo” of Decollatura of a second level course dedicated to agriculture and the environment. As regards the activation of the four-year high school at the “Galluppi” high school, it is highlighted that this is an experiment that falls under ministerial competence, while a favorable opinion is expressed on the request of the same high school to activate the European classical high school. Negative opinion on the establishment of an office associated with the Cpia of Catanzaro in the Botricello area due to the absence of the relevant resolution of the City Council.