Back home little Hector, 3 months old, who arrived from Venezuela together with my mother atSan Vincenzo hospital in Taormina, last Christmas, in critical condition following heart surgery. Now, thanks to the intervention of the department staff Pediatric cardiac surgerydirected by the head physician Sasha Agati, a few days after the operation, is ready to leave the hospital in the Sirina district.
“It was a difficult intervention – said the head doctor -, however we managed to resolve the situation”. The process was started by Venezuelan doctors, Dr. Carlos Julio Troconis, cardiovascular surgeon, and his colleague Pedro Macuarisma, children’s cardiologist, who contacted the Taormina center of excellence to help the child, who arrived in Italy almost at the end of his life . The Chincherini Foundation then took care of the logistics. The collaboration of the Matumaini Speranza non-profit association chaired by Carmen Falletta, creator of the “Matilde’s children” project, was important. The volunteers of the Misericordia San Giuseppe of Letojanni also provided their support to Hector and his mother. Thanks also arrived from the Italian consulate general in Caracas for what was achieved by the Taormina healthcare complex.
The pediatric cardiac surgery department of San Vincenzo published a post that tells what happened, video. «We called him – we read on the Facebook page – “the Christmas miracle”, little Hector arrived in Taormina from Venezuela together with his mother on December 25th, in critical conditions. A few days after heart surgery, he is fine and ready to leave the hospital and go home. A miracle made possible by the effort of many people.” The department thanks all the people involved and closes with a message of hope: «Good always finds its way».