The comparative statistical data of the tourist flows in the city between the years 2019-2023. In the presence of the mayor Federico Basile, the councilors for Tourism Enzo Caruso and for Information and Technological Services Roberto Cicala, the update of the data referring to tourist flows and presences in Messina in the period 2019-2023 was illustrated today at Palazzo Zanca. During the press conference, Dr. Cristiana Laurà of the Strait Port System Authority presented the data on the presence of cruise passengers in transit in the city.
“The development of tourism in the city – highlighted Mayor Basile – started in a concrete way in 2018 through shared strategies and paths to make Messina attractive, but the pandemic abruptly interrupted the growth phase. Administrative action on the tourism sector has therefore resumed in the post-covid period with targeted choices and investments of resources. Knowing today that, compared to last year and based on the number of beds available, the increase in tourist arrivals in the city has exceeded eight thousand units and that overnight stays have grown by around eleven thousand presences, is a tangible sign of the our good work. These numbers are continually growing and support the governance of the municipal administration which considers tourism to be a strong point in the development and growth of our city.”
“The data that we present today – continued councilor Caruso – must be interpreted in order to then trace the most appropriate strategy. The Administration, in recent years, first with De Luca as mayor and today with Basile, has implemented numerous initiatives and activity; today the trend is absolutely positive. Regarding arrivals in the city, in 2023 there was an increase of + 28.85% compared to 2019 and + 10.9% compared to 2022. Overnight stays in the Municipality of Messina are also growing, with an increase in stays in the city in 2023, compared to 2019, equal to a percentage increase of + 33.43% and compared to 2022 of + 8.1%. B&Bs and complementary structures are also on the increase. Tourism is growing greatly due to adequate and functional hospitality, providing services and products”.
Councilor Cicala explained that “Given the growing numbers of tourist presences in the city, there is no consequential increase in the tourist tax, whose revenue for the municipal coffers is around 200 thousand euros per year. This means that a transfer the sums paid by tourists are always the same accommodation facilities. For this reason, a legality protocol has been signed with the Guardia di Finanza for an increasingly extensive control and inspection activity in the area in collaboration with the Municipality and with ours. database. With these shared actions, collection capacity is destined to grow”.
The Dr. Laurà of the Strait Port System Authority, in presenting the data on cruise tourism in Messina, from 2019 to today, underlined that in 2023 cruise passengers, on average, created an economic impact in the city of around 21 million euro, also listing the local beneficiaries of this movement.
Today's presentation follows the database provided by the Regional Tourism Observatory on which an analysis and comparative graphic interpretation of the numerical statistical data of tourist flows in Messina for the years 2019 and 2023 was carried out (the latter not yet definitive); a research study, started by the De Luca Administration, continued with the Basile Council and coordinated by councilor Caruso, based on the critical issues and resources available to be optimized as best as possible to make Messina beautiful, welcoming and attractive.
Representatives of the trade associations Confcommercio, Confesercenti, Confindustria, Confartigianato, Federalberghi, travel agencies and Messina tourist guides also participated in the meeting with journalists.