The last city council of 2024 was held in second call. On the morning of New Year’s Eve, the city meeting met in the Luisi room to discuss 33 items on the agenda, many of which related to debt practices off-balance sheet. The meeting was possible precisely because it was on second call and therefore with a very small number of councilors present, 11 in total including the mayor. Among the opposition benches there were only Rosario Piccioni and Lucia Cittadino; sitting on the seats of the majority Matteo Folino, Giovanni Pulice, Anna Caruso, Rosy Rubino, Maria Grandinetti, Giovanni Saladini, Tranquillo Paradiso.
All the others absent: a behavior already seen, a strong gesture to be consistent until the end of the year with a line of conduct already taken often and willingly in many other sessions held in the year just ended. During the council proceedings the mayor Paolo Mascaro he reported on the three-year public works plan, reiterating that urgent changes are needed; in this regard, the specific item on the agenda was approved by the assembly. The changes will concern, among the many interventions, important areas of the city such as Piazza Mercato Nuovo, Corso Nicotera, Via Del Mare and other areas.