Soriano, Gaetano Emanuele boss of “Fago Savini” has turned himself in. He is accused of the “Ariola massacre”


By John

Today, Gaetano Emanuele, 49 years old, brother of Bruno, life prison boss of the Preserre Vibo area, turned himself in to the Carabinieri of Soriano Calabro. The exponent of the note ‘ndrangheta family, defended by the lawyer Giuseppe Di Renzo, was taken after his arrest to the Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto prison.
Emanuele had been on the run since last June, when he escaped the execution of a precautionary custody order against him in prison, issued by the Catanzaro district investigating judge, as part of the “Habanero” operation.coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate. The provision was then annulled at the request of the defence, by the Court of Cassation with referral to the Court of Review, despite the fact that the General Prosecutor’s Office had made a request for the inadmissibility of the appeal itself. The Review after the postponement of the “Stoats” last December canceled the measure.

The man, considered one of the leaders of the “Fago Savini” mafia clan in the municipality of Sorianello, would have played a central role in the so-called “Ariola massacre”, according to the DDA’s accusations, however quashed by the Review. The ambush, which occurred in 2003 in the “Ponte dei Cavalli” area, caused the death of Francesco and Giovanni Gallace and Stefano Barilaro, becoming part of the feud between the Emanuele-Maiolo and Loielo clans for control of the territory.

More details in tomorrow’s paper edition