The counting operations for the election of four internal members within the Board of Directors of the University (three-year period 2024/27), of a representative of the teachers and researchers within the Board of Directors of the ERSU of Messina were duly concluded ( four-year period 2024/28) and a full professor, an associate professor and a researcher within the Academic Senate, for the completion of the three-year period 2021-2024. These are the results:
to the University Board of Directors:
For full professors: Maria Annunziata Astone – Macro area Economic, Legal and Humanistic Sciences, with 200 votes, 19 blank ballots, 421 eligible voters.
For associate professors: Pietro Antonuccio – Life Sciences Macro Area, with 100 votes, 13 blank ballots, 463 eligible voters.
For researchers: Carlo Sansotta – Science macro area, with 104 votes, 15 blank ballots, 286 eligible voters.
- For technical-administrative staff and readers, collaborators and linguistic experts: Giuseppe Mannino with 376 votes, (Paolo Todaronot elected, with 248 votes), 21 blank ballots, 911 eligible voters.
to the ERSU Messina Board of Directors:
- Giuseppe Bottaro with 403 votes, 48 blank ballots, 1170 eligible voters.
at the UniMe Academic Senate:
For full professors: Concettina Fenga – Life Sciences Macro Area, with 58 votes, 5 blank ballots, 145 eligible voters.
For associate professors: Marina Russo – Science macro area, with 45 votes, (Claudio Ampelli not elected with 37 votes), 1 blank ballots, 112 eligible voters.
- For researchers: Roberto Guarneri – Macro area Economic, Legal and Humanistic Sciences, with 24 votes, 4 blank ballots, 44 eligible voters.