Work stopped at the Swabian castle of Rende: the clash now becomes political


By John

The works blocked for almost two years for the renovation of the Norman Swabian castle have also reignited the political conflict. As well as the indignation of the citizens, reported by Gazzetta in recent days. In fact, there is a heated controversy between the former councilor regarding the Norman Swabian Castle in the historic center Martha Petrusewicz and the Rendese Reformist Federation.
«Is it enough to wave academic titles to define oneself as historians? It would be appropriate to pay attention to substance as well as form. In this regard, we should carefully follow the professor’s lessons. Luciano Canfora and, in particular, the one entitled “The false story”». This is how the reformists respond to the intervention of Petrusewicz who, last Friday, defended the administrative choices regarding the blockade of the works. At the Fed, «you would like to clarify that the Bilotti-Ruggi d’Aragona Museum, housed in the Norman-Swabian Castle, was founded in 2012, in the last year of the socialist-reformist administration». Furthermore, the need to use the financing of one and a half million euros for the renovation of the Norman-Swabian Castle (assigned to the Municipality of Rende by the regional council led by the Hon. Loiero, Councilor for Culture Sandro Principe) «for the anti-seismic recovery of the manor it has been represented several times to the cultural heritage managers in recent years, starting from 2009». So much so – they add – «that the municipal council, led by the lawyer. Bernaudo used part of the financing for the correct drafting of the Castle’s renovation project; the project involved, in fact, the demolition of the roof with a reinforced concrete structure and its replacement with wooden beams and tiles, which were also visible from the reception hall”.