“We former interns of the Ministries of Culture and Justice, unfairly excluded following the competition for 1956 trainees, despite the first step having been taken, we still find ourselves today prey to worry and total insecurity about our future”, say the USB representatives in a note. “After the unreasonable exclusion we have done everything to make our voice heard by asking the political class for support several times. Many attempts based on the presentation of amendments on various legislative decrees on the subject of work have failed, as they were set aside, rejected or declared inadmissible. After almost a year of struggles and demonstrations, carried out with the support of the USB union, the approval of amendment 19.13 placed on the South decree (DL 124/2023), which took place on 26 October 2023, had given us hope of a second chance to obtain a contract.
The second step towards the resolution of our dispute consists in the issuing of a decree by the President of the Council of Ministers through which the personnel units to be assigned to the Ministries of Culture and Justice are identified. This is an essential step thanks to which we will finally be able to proceed with the drafting of the new tender. The construction of the Prime Ministerial Decree is subordinated to the official communication to the Department of Public Function, by the Ministries involved, of the personnel units required for each profile. To date, more than four months after the approval of the amendment, the aforementioned communications have not yet been received and, therefore, there is not even a shadow of the Prime Ministerial Decree. The procedure is blocked due to the usual bureaucratic quibbles or for some reason unknown to us. As many as 266 families have been without any financial support since December 2021, we are truly tired and exasperated. Given the gravity of the situation, we announce starting today, Wednesday 10 April, the establishment of a permanent garrison at the Prefecture of Cosenza, in Piazza XI Settembre, again with the support of the USB union. The permanent surveillance will continue until Friday, the day on which we will be received at the offices of the Prefecture of Cosenza and the dispute will continue until we are certain that the Ministries of Culture and Justice have sent the necessary data to the Department of Public Function upon the issuance of the Prime Ministerial Decree We are simply asking for the implementation of an already existing law and we have no intention of giving up because it is our future. We therefore ask that the procedures can continue and that we be allowed to obtain the work and dignity for which we have been fighting for years.”