The Inclusion Allowance, the Adi, the instrument that replaced the Citizenship Income in terms of helping the poorest families, will give an average benefit of 635 euros for five hundred thousand families. These are the INPS data reported today by The messenger who interviews the institute’s general director, Vincenzo Caridi. These are the starting data of the ADI which will see the first payments on January 26th and which are still evolving. «Past experiences – underlines Caridi – tell us that, since it is a service aimed at fragile families, many will use patronage centers and Caf to present the application, so we will only be able to make a first substantial evaluation at the end of January».
At the moment the number of recipients is similar to that of the launch of the Citizenship Income in March 2019 but approximately 200 thousand less than the number of potential beneficiaries which, according to official estimates, amounts to 737 thousand families. The amount, according to current estimates, appears more substantial than around 100 euros. But the applications are still arriving, also because they can be forwarded through the Caf, the tax assistance centers that offer a local service to citizens, only from this month.
The article also reports the data of the other instrument that replaced the Citizenship Income in terms of active employment policies. This is ‘Support for training and work, which in four months totaled over 150 thousand applications. More than one in three has been accepted (56 thousand), while the benefit (350 euros) has already been paid to 26 thousand applicants.