Montepaone, the international Liber@mente 2023 award goes to Anton Giulio Grande and Dario Fertilio


By John

The auditorium on the Nausica seafront in Montepaone Lido, packed with a large audience, who greatly appreciated the initiative, was a worthy setting for the XV edition of the prestigious Liber@mente International Awardestablished by the Vincenzo Scoppa Foundation.

The evening was hosted by Rossella Galati And Daniela Rabia with valuable theatrical moments of the Company of Dreamerswith Antonio Pittelli, Rosanna Passanisi and Rosanna Corradino, and musicals by the artists Ester Paone, soprano, Daniele T. Mellace, baritone, and Nicola Gangale, piano, of theLivadìa Association.

The precious statuette, which reproduces the work “Volo” created by Angela Fidone and made by the artist Giuseppe Crinitiwas delivered to Anton Giulio Grandeconsidered one of the major Italian stylists, who has established himself in the world of international high fashion and «is the creator of works that blend art and fashion, in a context that feeds on innovation and are an expression of individual freedom of choice, which takes shape in the possibility of operating according to autonomous and personal preferences”, and others Dario Fertiliojournalist and writer, formerly responsible for the cultural pages of Corriere della Sera, who «has published several essays, novels, plays and monographs, both on political and information themes, in which he has always expressed the need to promote and defend individual freedom of choice, social cooperation and the market”.

During the evening, special recognitions were also awarded to the Kalabrian H2O association, to the “Il Sipario” Theater Company of Soverato, to Giuseppe Forgiuele, President of the Calabria Regional Society for the Promotion of Health, to the Municipal Library of Montauro “Maestro Francesco Froio”, at the Avis Comunale

Montepaone Montauro Odv, to the 3T Traditions, Theater and Tourism Association, and to Adusbef Calabria. Another acknowledgment was assigned by Confedilizia to Daniele Vacca, Mayor and the municipal administration of Soverato.

They attended the ceremony Giorgio Spaziani Testapresident of Confedilizia, Sandro Scoppapresident of the Vincenzo Scoppa Foundation and of Confedilizia Calabria, e Gianvito Casadontecreator and artistic director of the Magna Graecia Film Festival.

The event was organized by the Vincenzo Scoppa Foundation and the Liber@mente magazine in collaboration with the Municipalities of Montepaone and Santa Caterina dello Ionio, Confedilizia Calabria, the national press agency Italpress, the newspaper L’Opinione della Libertà, the network La C, Radio Ciak, Tecnorete di Montepaone, the University of Krakow, BCC Calabria Ulteriore, Liberilibri editore and the Union Internationale de la Propriété Immobiliére (UIPI).