The battle for the establishment of the single municipality of Savuto will continue “with greater determination”, despite the referendum verdict of “no” to the merger of Cosenza, Rende and Castrolibero. The “Savuto united” movement said it was “more than determined to move forward in the wake of a historical conviction which concerns the merger of the municipalities of the south-Cosenza hinterland and which, in the absence of alternative planning, represents the only solution to combat impoverishment and depopulation”.
«The egregious political errors committed by the “Yes” camp in the urban area – we read in one of his documents – cannot be cinfluence the choices of these territories which have resources, characteristics and problems different from those of the north of Cosenza, even more so incorrect choices, because they arose within the framework of an incorrect approach to the proposal, to which no reward was recognised, a word which has disappeared from the debate; a series of strident and poorly concealed internal conflicts within the center-right and the Democratic Party with some rather reckless and very unpatriotic public declarations; an instrumental personalization of the referendum initiative; a blatant inability to mobilize one’s own ranks, contrary to the ability demonstrated in this sense by consortiums inspired by shop interests and positional income; resistant old-fashioned mental parochialism, or a closed and localistic mentality, used to emphasize an excessive (and not always sincere) attachment to one’s community, often with attitudes of distrust or rivalry towards others and equally often for deceptive purposes; a creeping anti-Cosentinity of an opinionated and unrealistic periphery.”