«We are the only lido open from Catona to Melito, where would tourists go if our facility was still closed?».
From the words of Antonio Cormaci we understand how far we still have to go before we can transform a city from hit-and-run tourism (ice cream and a walk along the seafront) into one where tourism is a habit, hospitality a well-established system.
The new routes established at Reggio Calabria airport have opened channels that were unknown until now, many more tourists wandering around the streets of the centre, while in the city there is still discussion about a marketing plan to enhance the territory, the need to establish a single number for taxis.
And along the most beautiful kilometer in Italy, the beach facilities are still closed. All except one, “Amuri a mari”. «This year we decided to open on May 1st – he explained Antonio Marcon, director in charge of the plant – and it has been a gamble that has paid off so far. The situation is very positive, we can't complain. In the city, compared to previous years, there are many more tourists, especially foreigners and thanks to them the business is going well. As you can see around here, the other factories are still closed.”